Application for the
“A Day with Adele” Treasure Hunt Contest

Yes, Adele! I'm ready to take my professional and/or organizational goals to the next level of success. Please accept my application for your “A Day with Adele” Treasure Hunt Contest!

Contact Information

Full Name*

Primary e-mail address*


Home phone

Work phone


State, Province, or Region*


*Required fields

Background Information

Please answer ALL of the questions below:

1. In what type of business, organization, or profession do you work? (50 characters max.) *

2. What role(s) do you currently fill?
For example, you might be a CEO, manager, supervisor, team leader, freelance consultant or contractor, specialist or generalist, intern, or other role (50 char. max.) *

3. For what types of issues do you desire help? (50 char. max.) *

4. How did you hear about this program? (50 char. max.) *

5. What are your general scheduling preferences? Please choose an option from the drop-down menu. (Note that we'll be selecting a more specific date and time via e-mail.) *

To answer the next two questions, PLEASE BE SURE you have downloaded and reviewed ALL FOUR of the “clues documents.”

6. Please enter ALL of the 4-character, alphanumeric codes from the four “clues documents” you downloaded (there is one in each document): *

7. After reviewing the “clues documents” you downloaded, which clue(s) seem most relevant to your situation, and why? Please type or copy and paste your thoughts below (no more than approx. 6,000 characters or 1,000 words — about 2 typed pages): *

Please give careful thought to answering the last two questions. These two responses will largely determine the level of MERIT that your application receives. To choose a contest winner, I'll be weighing the quality of these answers across all applications submitted. There are no “right or wrong” answers — just sincere and well-thought-out ones.

8. Please provide a detailed description of the problem, challenge, or issue for which you would like my assistance. Please type or copy and paste your thoughts below (no more than approx. 6,000 characters or 1,000 words — about 2 typed pages): *

9. Please provide a detailed description of the desired outcome you would like to see as a result of the consulting process. Please type or copy and paste your thoughts below (no more than approx. 6,000 characters or 1,000 words — about 2 typed pages): *

*Required fields

After you submit your application, please look for an e-mail message from It contains further instructions and information, and should arrive in your in-box very shortly.

If you are selected as a winner, I look forward to providing 8 full hours of no-cost consulting, which must include any preparation and follow-up time you need. This is further explained in the e-mail you will receive.

As always, please feel free to write to me at any time to ask a question, contribute an idea, or make a suggestion.

To your business prosperity,

Adele Sommers, Ph.D.
Business performance specialist and award-winning author, educator, and speaker