LearnShareProsper logo Boosting Business_Performance Adele Sommers
by Adele Sommers, Ph.D.
 www.LearnShareProsper.com Adele@LearnShareProsper.com 
In This Issue

February, 2012
Volume 8, Issue 2

These are monthly tips on boosting business and professional results.

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Below find this month's newsletter, hot off the press!

  • Feature Article: Seven Ways to Use Information Design to Create Remarkable User Experiences

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Note from the Author

You Won't Want to Miss This New Three-Part Series!

Collection of colorful crayons
Clients and colleagues often ask me, "What essential things do I need to know about designing information in my area of expertise? Are there universal guidelines available to follow, regardless of my goals, purpose, subject matter, and audience?"

Although there are many reasons why we generate content (such as for Web sites, publications, training, marketing material, and multimedia productions), timeless, classic principles do exist. They apply to a wide range of business situations, and span the full spectrum of content creation.

Specialized fields naturally have relatively unique requirements for language usage and formatting, such as in the legal, scientific, and academic domains. But even in those arenas, some of the same classic methods apply. These universal techniques derive from:

  • Technical communication and instructional design disciplines
  • Marketing, usability, and persuasion research findings
  • Studies of human achievement in the professional world

I'll bet that you haven't seen anything quite like these straightforward, practical, and easy-to-follow recommendations that will transform your content creation from a rote exercise into a potent process that strongly supports what your users or viewers need to do. And when you also apply the related response-generating tips, you'll not only thrill your audiences, but may boost their participation 100%!

So, please enjoy the first installment and be sure to join the lively conversation by leaving your comments on my Facebook page!

Here's to your business prosperity,

Adele Sommers, Ph.D., business improvement specialist, author, educator, and award-winning instructional designer

P.S. If you missed any previous issue, please visit the newsletter archive!

Special Message

I've Been Having Way Too Much Fun with PowerPoint...

Thank you for the terrific comments I've received so far on the "Treasure Hunt" video and quiz, which I launched in my January newsletter. (And yes, I did create the base video and much of the quiz in PowerPoint. For those who asked whether I use Flash programming for animations, the answer is no.) I think Linda's post best sums up the feedback from various people about their Treasure Hunt experiences:

"This is a great romp and a 'painless' and fun way to take a close
look at your productivity and performance. I especially appreciate receiving virtual 'coaching' as I made my way through the quiz. I
enjoyed the gorgeous graphics and the concept of a treasure hunt
is delicious! Nice job, Adele!"

Ship arriving at a treasure chest on the beachSo, what are you waiting for? Come on down and try out the Treasure Hunt! It's a unique self-assessment that starts off with a 3-minute Flash video adventure, and then invites you to take a fun, multi-part quiz to evaluate your success in any (or all) of four key areas:

1) Meetings & Decision Making
2) Productivity & Effectiveness
3) Project & Risk Management, and
4) Product & Service Value

There are actually four separate "Treasure Hunt" self-assessments, one for each major topic. At the end of each quiz, look for your score and your "clues," which show how well you are (or your organization is) doing in that area. I encourage you to share it with your colleagues and begin a conversation on what to improve!

NOTE: Contests coming! In the near future, I'll be rolling out contests related to the Treasure Hunt. Winners will receive live, personalized coaching from me and other prizes to be announced. Important tip: Be sure to download your "clues," which you'll need to enter, and monitor our Facebook page for early details!

Feature Article

Seven Ways to Use Information Design
to Create Remarkable User Experiences (Part 1)

by Adele Sommers

What's the "secret sauce" behind designing information that corrals the interest of your users, visitors, readers, learners, or customers and spurs them to take fast and effective action?

Answer: A timeless set of information-design guidelines that work synergistically, regardless of the medium you're using or the message you're conveying -- and whether you're a business writer, technical communicator, instructional designer, interface designer, Web developer, or multimedia content creator.

Drawing depicting "Information Design = User Experiences"

This series of articles will explain seven ways to engage and support your audiences whenever you want them to understand, learn, and do.

You might be creating Web pages, publications, online training, marketing content, or information-based multimedia productions, for example.

Why not move the needle from "lackluster and low-powered" to "remarkable and robust" with the very next project you start?

You'll see these seven tips rolled out over three articles, grouped into these three overarching themes:

A. Lay a Foundation for Clear Understanding
B. Help Your Audiences Do What They Really Need to Do
C. Add Novelty and Interactivity to Stir Emotion & Spur Action

Use the first set of tips below to begin designing remarkable user experiences!

A. Lay a Foundation for Clear Understanding

Woman twirling a lasso
To lasso your viewers' attention
and trigger their ability to comprehend, recall, and respond, you'll want to begin by:

  1. Learning more about your typical audience members

  2. Structuring information so your target audiences can readily consume it, and

  3. Minimizing the "data dump" effect that occurs when people receive too much information

These foundational principles underlie all types of communication, so they will powerfully support whatever you're creating. See the details below!

Tip #1: Use persona profiles to understand your audience -- what makes them tick?

Your audience comprises the people who will engage with your content. They represent a mix of backgrounds, skills, personality traits, and so forth. Some might be tech savvy; some might not. Some might be very familiar with your topic, others not. Some might be older, others younger. Some might think "pink," others "green."

So, you need a way to identify the people you're trying to attract, and then accommodate their needs accordingly. If you don't, they won't be able consume your content easily -- and probably won't urge their friends and colleagues to consume it, either!

Enter the persona, a fictitious but realistic character who symbolizes a typical member of your target audience. Your audience probably has several such people in it. Aim to create a persona profile for each representative audience member.

An artist painting four personas

You could do this through interviewing, market research, or even imagining a composite based on people you know. That way, you'll discover what makes each type of audience member tick. You can then design an approach that addresses each persona's primary needs, wants, questions, and concerns.

But what if you're short on time or insights? Consider at least these two critical angles:

  1. What worries, problems, or challenges could be keeping each persona awake at night?

  2. What are each persona's likely goals, hopes, aspirations, and dreams?

Ponder what matters most on both ends of the spectrum for each persona. Then design the types of content and features that would best support each persona's needs -- without interfering with the others!

Action step - Learn more about persona profiles:

Tip #2: Structure information to help people scan, skip, and retrieve what matters

Man looking surprisedAs information creators, we need to "grab people by the eyeballs" and give them more control over what we are submitting for their attention.

We must enable our audiences to scan, skip, and retrieve -- and then act on the information fast, before the relentless demands on their time force their attention to shift elsewhere!

An excellent approach to this "eyeball management" problem involves structured authoring (also known as structured writing). Five of its core methodologies appear below.

  1. Classifying of information organizes content into five actionable types: facts, concepts, processes, procedures, and principles. These are the building blocks for information design.

  2. Chunking breaks crowded or detailed content into smaller, more digestible messages.

  3. Simplifying uses very direct, "plain talk" to get ideas across fast. Avoid dense, convoluted "corporate-speak," "academic-speak," or a meandering style when you want people to act quickly!

  4. Arranging text and graphics with visual cues helps people scan, skip, and retrieve efficiently. Examples of visual cues include bulleted lists, tables, white space, headers, bolded text, labels, dividers, hierarchies, grouping, and relative size.

  5. Illustrating reinforces (or replaces) text with clear, relevant graphic elements.

Action step - Learn more about structured authoring:

Tip #3: Strive to minimize audience overload, especially in training and presentations

Another way to help people understand is by reducing what's known as "cognitive overload." Research published in the mid-1950s seemed to show that our short-term "working memories" can process about "7 plus or minus 2" chunks of input at a time. (Think of this as the number of items you could remember to buy at the supermarket, for example, without having to write them all down.)

We can process only 3-4 chunks of information at a timeNearly 50 years later, however, a new wave of research showed that in reality, we're capable of consuming only about 3 or 4 chunks of information at once. That's not very much processing power (and explains why we make so many lists)!

But information design principles can come to the rescue by easing the burden on the viewer's brain. Working within the limitations of short-term memory reduces the information-processing load.

This means that the content we design must be "high-impact" to grab attention, but also "low-bandwidth" in terms of the effort and brain-power required to process it. The easier the information is to process, the more readily people will:

  • Retain the information

  • Retrieve it from memory under the right circumstances, and

  • Apply it or act on it in the way you intended!

Action step - Learn more about cognitive overload:

In Conclusion...

With a little imagination, by regularly applying the three techniques above, you'll powerfully support your audience's ability to consume whatever you're producing. Stay tuned for Part 2!

Copyright 2012 Adele Sommers

About the Author

"Straight Talk" Special Report
"Straight Talk" Workbook

Adele Sommers, Ph.D. is the author of "Straight Talk on Boosting Business Performance" -- an award-winning Special Report and Workbook program.

If you liked today's issue, you'll love this down-to-earth overview of how 12 potent business-boosting strategies can reenergize the morale and productivity of your enterprise, tame unruly projects, and attract loyal, satisfied customers. It's accompanied by a step-by-step workbook designed to help you easily create your own success action plan. Browse the table of contents and reader reviews on the description page.

Adele also offers no-cost articles and resources to help small businesses and large organizations accelerate productivity and increase profitability. Learn more at LearnShareProsper.com.

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