Learn, Share, Prosper.

Simple, Systematic Success

Image of Adele Sommers

About Us Overview

If you are looking to improve your organization’s performance; broaden employee capabilities; solve thorny challenges; gather new business insights, awareness, and confidence; develop training or technical solutions; or convey your core message more powerfully — our team can help you!

Learn more about our team by exploring the links below...

  1. About Adele Sommers, Ph.D. - View a profile of Adele’s areas of specialization as president of Business Performance Inc.; also, her client approach, training philosophy, and additional qualifications
  2. Client List - See a partial list of clients for whom we have designed and developed e-learning, classroom training, and/or presentations, or have provided other types of performance consulting services
  3. Testimonials - See a variety of sample endorsements received from Adele’s clients, associates, and others regarding her e-learning and training design services, performance consulting, business coaching, presentations, and training workshops
  4. Contact Us - Look up our mailing address, e-mail address, phone and fax, hours of operation, and our “Contact Us” Web form