At last, a program that explains exactly...
How to Run Highly Focused,
Compelling Meetings
Are you tired of leaving your meetings wondering
what people are REALLY saying about you
and your leadership skills?
From the desk of: Adele Sommers, Ph.D.
Dear Colleague,
Its Friday afternoon, and youve been stuck in yet another meeting. Once again, its gotten bogged down with annoying digressions. Youve left the meeting feeling drained and irritated. Youre wondering to yourself, Does it really have to be this hard? Isnt there a simpler way to make things work?
Or, maybe youve heard these complaints about meetings possibly even uttered some of them yourself about the ones you run or attend:
- They’re a total waste of time.
- Half the time, I don’t even need to be there.
- We never know ahead of time what they’re going to cover.
- Some people distract every meeting with their side conversations.
- You listen to folks who make a point, then they dominate the meeting.
- We never get the information we need to make a good decision.
- All the decisions are made before the meeting even starts.
- No one ever follows up to be sure anything gets done.
Sound familiar? If so, wouldn’t you like to find a way to change all of that? Whether you run staff, team, or client meetings — or attend the meetings that other people hold — youll find this product of interest!
Introducing the...
Meeting Success Kit, Expanded Second Edition
- 2 PDF documents
- 1 hour of MP3 audio
Imagine how good youll feel when people say how much they love your meetings because they can finally get things done and go home on time! The award-winning second edition of the all-digital kit contains:
- A PDF e-book of the guidelines youll need, including step-by-step checklists, templates, and real-world case studies that you can refer back to and share — even if you’re not the person running the meetings, and...
- 62 minutes of MP3 audio with Transcript & Note-Taking Guide. They provide even more techniques to help you make meetings work, either as the leader or a participant!
No one ever has to feel victimized by bad meetings again — like I used to be — even in some of my own!
Adele has given us the step-by-step details on how all of the attendees, not just the leader, can take responsibility for making meetings work.
I highly recommend Adeles Meeting Success Kit. Just from using the interactive Meeting Cost Calculator on page 5, I can see that it will save our company at least $50,000 over the next year just in preventing wasted meeting time alone!
Stephanie Frank,
Business Consultant and Author, The Accidental Millionaire
Price: US $47. Click now to get instant access!
Want More Information? Here Are the Details...
The Complete, Downloadable Meeting Success Kit
Contains the Following:
Part 1: Guide to Running Highly Focused, Compelling Meetings ($29 value)
You will have instant access to the 47-page PDF meeting handbook that covers every facet of setting up and running stellar meetings.
Do you want to stop dysfunctional meetings dead in their tracks? With these how-to tools, you can make your meetings hum and participants sing on key. No more sharps or flats to worry about with this award-winning guidebook by your side!
Concise enough to use in a group setting, yet complete enough to give you the A-to-Z tips you need, this guide delivers 7 powerful step-by-step checklists that are guaranteed to erase meeting headaches forever. It even has a meeting cost calculator that automatically estimates how much you may be investing or wasting on meetings!
From start to finish, youll learn how to plan, schedule, start, conduct, end, and summarize meetings effectively. At last, you can ensure that the right people participate in making meaningful decisions that are recorded for posterity and produce results.
Part 2: MP3 Audio Recording 62 Minutes Total ($29 value)
Youll have instant access to the 47-minute interview that explains, in detail, all of the important steps for setting up and running stellar meetings. The interview was part of an 8-week series by Adele Sommers, Ph.D., hosted by business training moderator Greg Williams.
Following that interview, you will also hear a special, 15-minute bonus recording on Breakthrough Brainstorming Techniques.
And, youll get...
Part 3: Transcript and Note-Taking Guide ($29 value)
Youll instantly access the 33-page PDF Transcript and Note-Taking Guide, which will help you anchor all of the key points in the MP3 audio recording.
The transcript and audio expound on my A-to-Z system for planning and running great meetings, and also include several guerrilla techniques for successfully influencing meetings from the sidelines!
All together, this package will turn you into a real meeting-management pro!
Heres Just Some of What You’ll Learn...
All of My Meeting Success Secrets, Including: | |
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How to use a cost calculator to estimate meeting expenditures |
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Why you should weigh the need for a meeting before scheduling it |
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How to get buy-in for your meeting idea before you even start |
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7 techniques for carefully planning any meeting you schedule |
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Guidelines for creating a purposeful meeting notice and agenda |
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4 reasons why you need an agenda, and when you might not |
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6 tips for starting a meeting and setting the tone for success |
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The purpose (and power) of the leader, scribe, and timekeeper |
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How to use a simple checklist to make every meeting productive |
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13 guidelines for using effective meeting facilitation techniques |
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How to use good housekeeping rules to keep meetings on track |
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Guerrilla techniques for realigning meetings from the sidelines |
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6 tips for ending meetings gracefully and handling open issues |
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How to follow up after meetings with summaries and action items |
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In-depth coverage of breakthrough brainstorming techniques |
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Detailed case studies of advanced techniques for tricky situations |
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And much, much more! |
Price: US $47. Click now to get instant access!
Adele, thanks immensely for sharing
the Meeting Success Kit with me!
Like the subject itself, the materials are highly focused and compelling! They also achieve that rarity: They can be read on several levels serve as a primer for relative novices… with plenty there for more advanced professionals, too. At whatever level, lots of ways to take your information and run with it. And even for the most passive reader, theres plenty that will stick.
The book brims with clarity, focus and immediate application. I thoroughly enjoyed the mix of facilitative and guerilla techniques. Its almost a Meetings-in-a-Box, with tips, tools and insights that can be used right now or as needed along with ready-to-go templates and samples.
And I appreciated the ample added value throughout: How to positively influence a meeting from the sidelines; key phrases guaranteed to keep meetings on track, on topic and on time; and some truly breakthrough brainstorming techniques. Best of all, it empowers everyone whether youre running the meeting or just attending. Its an engaging guide that, once read, makes you a more engaged meeting participant.
For those jaded by meetings, it shows eye-opening opportunities; for those daunted by meetings, it suddenly all looks do-able whether by small incremental steps or leaps and bounds.
Galen Ricard,
Principal, Ricard Communications
Adele, the first time I looked through
the Meeting Success Kit, I immediately saw its potential
with our faculty meetings...
Tip #4 (Start the meeting on time and discuss the preliminaries) has become my personal meeting mantra and signature procedure with colleagues. I used it the first time exactly as it appears in the Guide and it worked.
At the second meeting, a colleague commented: Yep. Thank God Jims running this show so we can get out of here on time!
When I read over Tip #5 (Conduct the meeting using good facilitation techniques), most of the points sounded like common sense. Then I realized how few of those excellent ideas were being applied at our campus meetings.
I decided to put in place almost all the checklist ideas, including the parking lot. I was really surprised when part of the list of tangents ‘parked’ on the chalkboard morphed into the focus for our follow-up meeting. I was so impressed by this concepts benefits that many of my class periods now include a note taker who helps me with parking lot ideas we can return to at a later class meeting.
Regarding Tip #7 (Follow up afterward with summaries and action items), your idea for the summary paid dividends in my meetings with the faculty. One of my colleagues had printed a hard copy of my e-mail summary and, without my urging, took it upon herself to perform the role of reminder. I love it. Everyone should perform routine follow-up, using an e-mail summary.
I would also encourage anyone in the workplace to spend some time contemplating the multiple deep core lessons that emerge from a close reading of Appendix C (Is a Lack of Peer Cooperation Getting You Down? Try Triangulation).
Thanks again for such a valuable resource.
Jim Howland,
Instructor, English Department, Californa Polytechnic (Cal Poly) State University
365-Day, 100% Money-Back, Risk-Free Guarantee
With any of my products, you are completely protected by my 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year. If a product fails to live up to your expectations within that 12-month period, I will immediately refund your money. No questions asked.
Ready to Take Action?
YES, Adele I want to order your Meeting Success Kit right away so that I can start transforming my meetings into highly effective collaborations!
I understand that for only $47.00, Ill receive an $87 total value that includes 80 pages of content and 62 minutes of audio in the following instantly downloadable files:
PDF Guide: Guide to Running Highly Focused, Compelling Meetings
MP3 Audio: Meeting Management Techniques recorded interview,
plus the bonus Breakthrough Brainstorming Techniques recording
PDF Transcript: Transcript and Note-Taking Guide for the interview
Ill have all the information I need to get started right away. Im also protected by your 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee, so I have nothing to lose.
Click Here Now to Get Instant Access
Purchase via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card on Secure Online Server
Be assured that these tools will help you make an immediate difference in your organization. Not only will they propel your meetings to greater success, but youll be perceived as a highly effective and competent leader. This alone can have a tremendous influence on your business relationships and career advancement!
And don’t forget that you have one full year to try it out risk free so you’ll have everything to gain and nothing to lose!
Heres to your business success,
Adele Sommers, Ph.D.
Business performance specialist and award-winning author, educator, and speaker
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's or organization's success depends on individual backgrounds, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn money, increase profits, or achieve specific results.