Learn, Share, Prosper.

Simple, Systematic Success

Image of Adele Sommers

Newsletter Archive

Below you’ll find back issues of my free e-mail newsletter, “Boosting Business Performance.” Each issue opens in a new window.

I hope you find these tips and resources useful! I value your questions, ideas, and comments, so please contact me any time to ask a question, contribute an idea, or make a suggestion. Enjoy!

Here’s to your business success,
Adele Sommers, Ph.D.
Business performance specialist and award-winning author, educator, and speaker

Date Feature Article
June 2024 Estimating Is an Incredible “Mind Game” (Part 2)
May 2024 Estimating Is an Incredible “Mind Game” (Part 1)
April 2024 10 Major Project Risks Your Team Can Avoid
March 2024 Finding the Funding for Your New Client Projects
February 2024 Don’t Be Snared by These 6 Common Project Traps
January 2024 How Pursuing Your Passions Propels Your Professional Purpose
Dec. 2023 Are You Aiming Your Sights at Your Customers’ Downstream Success?
Nov. 2023 Don’t Let Missing Information Undermine Your Business Success
October 2023 What’s on YOUR Meeting Agenda?
Sept. 2023 Seven Major Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next In-Person Slide Presentation
August 2023 Can You Pass the Midnight Test?
July 2023 What Are the Goals and Costs of Designing Blended eLearning?
June 2023 What Are the Goals and Costs of Designing Self-Paced eLearning?
May 2023 What Are the Goals and Costs of Designing Instructor-Led Training?
April 2023 What Are the Goals and Costs of Designing Memorable Presentations?
March 2023 Overcome Audience Overload with Presentation Design Best Practices (Part 3)
February 2023 Overcome Audience Overload with Presentation Design Best Practices (Part 2)
January 2023 Overcome Audience Overload with Presentation Design Best Practices (Part 1)
Dec. 2022 Tips for Overcoming Project Overload
Nov. 2022 10 Tips for Writing Outstanding Business Articles
October 2022 Seven Ways to Use Information Design to Create Remarkable Audience Experiences (Part 3)
Sept. 2022 Seven Ways to Use Information Design to Create Remarkable Audience Experiences (Part 2)
August 2022 Seven Ways to Use Information Design to Create Remarkable Audience Experiences (Part 1)
July 2022 Quality in Perception vs. Quality in Fact
June 2022 Designing Information to Help People Act Quickly
May 2022 Use This Handy Tool to Make Really Tough Decisions
April 2022 Don’t Be Fooled By These Debunked Learning Myths!